Hugh Lee (2012-2016)
Heui Chang (Hugh) Lee
Biomedical Engineering
Neural implants, tissue-device interfaces, and neurostimulation
[expand title=”Read more”] Hugh received a BS in Hanyang University and M.S. in Seoul National University, both in electrical engineering. While he was working at KIST in Man-Machine Interface lab for one and a half year, he developed his interest in neural engineering and decided to continue study in biomedical engineering. Currently, he is a PhD student in biomedical engineering at Purdue University. He joined Neuroprostheses Research Lab in 2012 and conducted researchin electrophysiology recording via neural implants and the mechanism of its failure.
Research Abstract:
The long-term performance of brain implanted microelectrode arrays is hampered by a series of inflammatory tissue responses. The consequence of the tissue reaction is formation of glial scar and permeabilizing blood-brain barrier (BBB) around the vicinity of the electrode, causing neuronal degeneration and impeding the electrical signal conduction. My study aims to investigate mechanical intervention strategies to mitigate the effect of tissue response and prolong the lifetime of electrodes. In particular, I am looking at novel site geometry and mechanically compliant material under recording and microstimulation conditions.