Jesus Penaloza

Jesus Penaloza

Masters Student

Jesus Peñaloza
Masters Student
Biomedical Engineering
LinkedIn Profile
Twitter (@jesusdpa1)

Jesús Peñaloza received his B.S degree in Electronic Engineering at the University Nueva Esparta in Venezuela. After developing an intelligent helmet capable of detecting accidents and sending information to the authorities for a fast response in his B.S. degree, he decided to pursue a M.S degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University Simón Bolívar, and Advance Study Diplomas on Business Management and Innovation at the University Metropolitana. In these years he focused his research on epilepsy where he applied signal processing to extract features that could be used to develop fast detection systems that could help reduce the cost and time of diagnosis for patients in 3rd world countries.

Currently he is a 2nd year master student in the Biomedical Engineering department at the University Florida. In this moment he is working in two main projects. The first one, understanding the effect of waveforms in the protein adsorption layer at the electrode sites to evaluate the possibility of recovering the electrodes capability. The second one, developing image processing and computer vision algorithms to extract features to understand the relation between the neural system and type 1 diabetes.

He plans on pursuing a PhD and hopes to continue his learning and contribution on the neural engineering research area.